
Which one of the following, if true, would count as evidence against the scientist’s explanation of Earth’s warming?
(A)Only some of the minor gases whose presence in the atmosphere allegedly resulted in the phenomenon described by the scientist were produced by industrial pollution.
*This question is included in Sample Lesson Set 1: Basic Questions, question #4

The solution is

Posted: 07/14/2011 01:43
Do not understand why
Posted: 07/14/2011 14:00
Let's walk through this one.

The argument essentially makes two claims:

1. The Earth has warmed over the last CENTURY.

2. This happened primarily BECAUSE of the buildup of minor gasses.

We're looking for the answer choice that weakens the argument.

What would weaken the argument? Well, if we were able to show that warming did not occur BECAUSE of the buildup of gasses, the argument would fall apart, right?

But how can we do that? How can we show that the buildup did not cause the warming. What if the warming occurred BEFORE the buildup? Then you couldn't say that the buildup caused the warming, could you?

And that's exactly what choice "B" does. It says that warming occurred BEFORE the buildup, which means that the warming occurred in the absence of the buildup of gasses.
Posted: 09/24/2012 10:05
I can't find the reduce button on any of these questions. Where is it???
Posted: 09/24/2012 16:37
The Reduce button is now called the "Hint" button. Sorry for the confusion. It is available in practice sets that have step-by-step explanations.

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