
Column A   Column B
The largest power of 3 that is a factor of   The largest power of 3 that is a factor of
5 · 32 + 32 · 2   3 · 2 + 7 · 3
(A) Column A is larger
*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set H: Hard Quantitative Comparisons, question #3

The solution is

Posted: 07/21/2013 19:59
For some reason, I didn't get it the answer, how 5. 3^2+3^2 .2
= 27?
Same question goes for column B
Can u please clarify the answer for me!
Posted: 11/27/2015 22:41
Reply: hey
Posted: 07/21/2013 20:05
Never mind,
5 x 9 + 9 x 2 = 3^2 x 9
3 x 2 + 7 x 3 = 27 = 3^3

Posted: 09/18/2014 19:36
How do you get =3^2x9?
Posted: 11/04/2014 21:06
I guess there's a typo error its not 3^2 x 9 it's
3^2 x 7
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Posted: 11/05/2014 07:33
Reply: right.
Posted: 05/04/2015 00:13
I didnt understand this. Plzexplain
Posted: 05/12/2015 07:46
Explain briefly plzzzz
Posted: 05/22/2015 12:38
Hi guys, did you see the explanation?

Column A is 63 = 3^2 · 7 and Column B is 27 = 3^3. The power of 3^3 is larger than the power of 3^2. Hence, Column B is larger.
Posted: 08/16/2015 19:18
| Edit
Posted: 05/24/2016 20:12
I don't understand the answer, where did you get 64 and 27
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Posted: 05/24/2016 21:20
Hi Nupcia,

3 · 2 + 7 · 3 =
6 + 21 =


5 · 3^2 + 3^2 · 2 =
5 · 9 + 9 · 2 =
45 + 18 =

Nova Press
Posted: 05/13/2018 08:24
Thanks admin for clear explanation

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