
If Billy's statements are true, which of the following can be concluded?
(A)Billy won't shower before 6:00.
*This question is included in Exercise Set 4: Intro to Connectives, question #11

The solution is

Posted: 05/30/2011 16:50
Where does the prompt say a WEEK??
Posted: 05/31/2011 02:48
Arcadia's Response:

Unfortunately, we made a mistake during the editing process. The corrected passage is below. Look for the corrected passage to appear in the next update.

Billy Bud:
My policy is that if I see a movie where the male lead is fat or sloppy and he lands a beautiful girl, I put off showering and skip the gym for a week. Hey, if it works for guys in the movies, why not for me? At 6:00 tonight I'll watch a Seth Rogen movie where the lead is fat and sloppy, but nonetheless lands a gorgeous woman.
Posted: 03/08/2012 02:12
The answer that is listed as correct is wrong. I thought that was the correct answer at first, but the passage says "he will not shower for a week", and the answer choice that is listed as the correct choice says he won't shower for 5 days. If I have learned anything about the LSAT, it's that a simple discrepancy like that makes that choice wrong!
Posted: 03/12/2012 19:34
Jeff, thanks for posting a comment. We can conclude that if he skips shower for the next week, that includes the next 5 days.
Posted: 03/17/2012 14:14
Jeff Jeff Jeff..... A week is longer than 5 days, and the answer does not imply that it will be only/exactly for the next 5 days. And anyways, all of the other answers are incorrect.
Honestly, when I answered this question I was probably oblivious to the fact that a week isn't 5 days long lol, because I don't even remember thinking about it; kind of scares me, what if it had said 8 days haha

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