
What conclusion can be drawn from these observations?
(A)Although HHV8 is associated with KS, it has yet to be proven that it causes KS.
*This question is included in 01. Introduction, question #1

The solution is

Posted: 05/04/2013 22:57
Does KS only affect gay men with HIV, or all people...? Very strange that only gay men are mentioned...
Posted: 05/15/2013 10:41
Alana, like in real life, sometimes the passage contains statements that are irrelevant to the problem being asked.
Posted: 01/17/2014 08:39
It just seems like they're targeting the gay community. Anyone can get HIV, not just 'gay men.' But I guess you have to be gay to understand why it's wrong to state the question that way. I agree it's irrelevant to the question though.
Posted: 06/28/2014 05:42
Posted: 11/01/2014 22:33
Posted: 04/07/2015 19:39
Although homosexual men have a higher percentage rate to be infected with KS, shouldn't heterosexuals be studied as well? Maybe this could give a more vivid approach towards proving that HHV8 does cause KS.
Posted: 04/07/2015 19:39
Posted: 02/22/2016 05:14
People... I think some of you are focusing on the wrong things here. If the passage had mentioned other groups of people, it'd be twice as long. Get over it. Geez!

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