
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the flavorings included in one contestant’s main-dish recipe?
(A)fenugreek, lemongrass, saffron
*This question is included in Grouping: Lesson Set 1 (of 3) - Intro, question #1

The solution is

Posted: 02/18/2013 20:03
Why is the answer D? I do not see why C is not the right answer also
Posted: 02/18/2013 20:05
Don't know why C is not correct..do not see the difference b/w C and D
Posted: 02/27/2013 17:13
Take a look at the diagram, and let's analyze the answer choices:

A is not possible. Why? We have to put P as an ingredient in Main, otherwise the "no more than 3" rule will be violated if we put P in Appetizer;

B already violates the "F not in the same recipe as N" rule;

C is out, because it does not include one of (S,T);

D is possible;

E violates the "S not in the same recipe as T" rule.

Hence, we are left with D.

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